LIGHT (Women's Clarin 07/16/1910) Thanks Marie! Adrián Navarro
is a neighborhood boy. 40, born in La Matanza and lives in the neighborhood of Constitución. Go shopping at supermarkets in the area and eat at the bars of the south of the capital. He has two sons, Facundo 9 and Violet, 5 years who go to public school. Smoke a cigarette after the other and apologize So recently acquired habit. Get to bar a suit and tie. Manuel is dressed in Star, Arturo Puig Racing Silveyra Soledad in the soap opera Love Secrets Telefé.
During the weekends he performed in the play for your father, Federico Luppi, inside.
What is in everyday life?
Soy un ciruja. Suelo vestirme con jogging y zapatillas. Puedo salir hecho un cachivache. Soy muy extremista: escucho jazz como también escucho heavy metal. El vértigo me seduce.
¿Qué le produce vértigo?
Puedo tirarme de un paracaídas y más tarde hacer meditación.
¿A qué se dedica su mujer?
¿Cómo vive la exposición?
Yo bien, pero me preocupan my children. Because people fantasize that people who work on TV are millionaires.
What happens when he walks down the street?
come When I'm alone, I want to touch, ask me things. I start talking to copntrame of their lives. What women cry?
Y. .. everything. I have said terrible things, including going with my family. The front of my house I had to paint three times because I wrote atrocities. The boys fled. Violeta if you notice that someone has grabbed my hand and say, here come, we go and we run together. It is a game that I enjoy. Violet has less rejection, because he was born with the famous father. Facundo not. Now the father goes out to all sides, ask at school and at a point that says: do you care. Does their children to school?
Every time I can. I'm also going to parent meetings.
At what age began to study theater? At 14 years. He was on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 20 to 23 to Palermo. My dad was then long distance driver. Sometimes I had he and others went alone. I returned to my home at one in the morning. Now my dad is a taxi driver and my mother is a homemaker. My dad usually works in Ezeiza and often leads to players and tells me. He says his chest swells to see me act.
Why did you choose acting? I enjoyed playing. The first thing I told my first teacher was that I wanted to be a soap opera heartthrob. And to prove it I remember I started to walk back and forth with his hands in his pockets and smiling. But the goal was changing. Now I just want to act.
actor Ever worked or had other jobs? I did everything. I was a peddler, selling teddy bears in the street, gadgets for mosquitoes. He beat his hands in a corner and offered Laferrere. Worked in an insurance company, but could not bear working in an office. I felt caged. I took pictures at Centennial Park. I also taxi driver. Although missing a lot because I had to auditions and my dad got angry, told me to stop doing these silly things and I go to laburar. Recently came up and congratulated me for my perseverance.
Was it to meet their acting classes? No, was to make the handle. To help my parents to cover the costs.
When he won his first money in the profession? In 2001 in Spain, making a play that was called The Fishbowl With the group's non-perishable. That was the first time I won silver and when I returned a few months, I could not believe. Here was the crisis and I had euros in their pockets. Before I left I was working as a waiter in a restaurant in Palermo. He was 31. I remember I went out the possibility of the tour to Europe and quit. Just my first child was born. My mother gave me money for the ticket and had not a penny more. I went alone, without Florence and my son, to probarsuerte. Here was the odd gig on TV, but was frustrated with the profession. With my wife had the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to live in Spain.
Why did not materialize? had to start again. Here already had a road trip. In addition, the film director Hector Olivera had summoned me for a casting for the movie Oh, Johnny, where I had to make Juan Duarte, Evita's brother. It was a great challenge for me. And he was sure he could. There I began to fulfill my great desire: to be an actor and live it.
Does analysis? Yes long time ago. To be able to meet. I learned that to win you have to learn to lose. You have to know shed. Otherwise, one does not advance. It is impossible to have it all. Making decisions and choosing is hard.
What emptied? And in many things. I learned to let time run and spend ten hours a day here inside, recording.
And do not feel confined, as in an office? Not at all. This is a crazy game where I feel I belong.