Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Phlegm In The Morning

"I enjoy making a paper to the grotesque"

Wednesday January 26, 2011 Navarro sintetiza: “No es la típica historia de un galán de novela, aunque podría”. De martes a domingo, a las 22.30, es la oportunidad de ver esta inquietante puesta en escena que tiene, aparte del morocho nacido en Gregorio de Laferrere (Buenos Aires), a dos eternas mujeres de las tablas y la televisión, Tina Serrano y Mónica Villa.
Apostada como una de las propuestas más importantes de la temporada en la ciudad serrana, “Jardín de otoño” se muestra tranquila, fuera de las peleas mediáticas. Que sólo se vale con lo que el público —en cada noche— le da, los aplausos.
De tanguero cuadripléjico y perturbado en “Doble vida” and son missing in "Monte Cristo" to a soap opera heartthrob absorbed by fame, is the synopsis of this man that boy was crestfallen to the movies or just prefer a play to go dancing with friends. Actual roles matured life afforded him, which always held a passion for acting, he worked as a waiter, a photographer, cab driver and salesman. Trades like many who grew up in similar conditions, did not take his eyes glare of fame. Maybe those feet on the ground make his private life a mystery.
"I'm still with the warmth of the spotlight", outlines Adrian, or rather Osvaldo Rail, his character. "It's a role I enjoy doing, is on the verge of the grotesque" details when asked how much true in him and added, mischievously, "Nothing of me in it, do you look grotesque?
on the screen from the sides of the stage, focus the first moments of the play. Two large screen TV make and show the novel's protagonist is Osvaldo, a mechanic, and his fiancée, which makes participation in a particular Mariana Fabiani. Here begins the plot of a story that, for Adrian, not close to reality in his role, but to those of Tina (Rosalie) and Monica (Griselda), whom ever believes go out of fashion. "On one hand there will always be people glued to the TV stories, as happens in the play. And besides I do not believe in the artistic or acting career, specifically, there are these kinds of attitudes pedantic, conceited or unpleasant. A banker or a clerk also have these attitudes. In general in any field there are people who consider themselves more than they are, "says the actor.

"I love to push the boundaries of this character, as I did in my career. Some people think roles played, I do not look so well, "adds Adrian, you have different feelings to the public interior, “particularmente, me encanta la gente del interior, es cálida. Me gusta mucho hacer giras, es otro ambiente, siempre me reciben muy bien. En esta obra, el publico se ríe mucho y hacer reír es fascinante”.

Risas que envuelven y al final del texto no decaen en ningún momento, mantiene la justa sintonía de una buena comedia. Con las actuaciones que para Adrián representan una comodidad imposible de mejorar. “Con Tina trabajé hace mucho tiempo, es placentero volver a hacerlo. Y con Mónica, nunca lo hice, la conozco por sus trabajos. Juntos nos llevamos muy bien, tenemos un buen felling”.

Una película y otra obra de teatro vendrán on the road in 2011, after finishing the tour of "Autumn Garden", which might bring him to Santiago. "For your father" is the work that came late last year, in which he starred alongside morocho Federico Luppi. In this regard, recalling its passage stated that "enabled me to enjoy feeling relaxed. The warmth (again) made me a wonderful stay. "

Summaries of work

Two maids, Rosalia and Griselda live together in a mansion owned by Rosalia, where Griselda rent a room. Life goes both feeding on the telenovelas. And in soap operas, continue for several years, all soap operas starring his favorite leading man: Osvaldo Rail. They are devout fans of this actor that makes you dream every night, in his character as a mechanic.
Possessed by this passion, Griselda and Rosalia decide to kidnap Osvaldo Rail and take it to the house where they live to force it to interpret the soap opera actors with them. I have kidnapped his home, dressed as a mechanic and force him to represent the passionate kisses of soap opera with them. The actor scared to death and afraid that these two fans killed, doing their best reflects his character, even if they fail to excite enough to remove them virginity to trail, and heavy burden of a life of repression. This disappointment, to the point that ... the public draws its own conclusions. Career

Theater 2010 - For your father
2001 to 2002 - The Fishbowl 2001 - Incomplete 1999 to 2001 - Working and theatrical experimentation. 1998 - Part 1997 to 1998 - Stories exaggerated
1996 - Silence
1995 - We are so
1992 to 1993 - Match improvisations

Film 2009 - The widows of Thursday
2007 - Film Maite 2007 - The Revolution is an eternal sleep 2007 - You look like an accident 2007 - City in Heat 2006 - Sympathy almost love
2005 - Solos
2004 - Love and the city
2004 - Sisters
2003 - Oh, Johnny


2010 - Secrets of Love
2009/10 - 2009/10 Legacy of Love - Botineras 2008 - Stolen Lives 2007 - Tales of Fontanarrosa 2006 - Montecristo
2005 - # 15
2005 - Double Life
2005 - 2004 Abandoned house
- Guilty of this love
2004 - A night of terror
2003 - The funeral
2003 - The question of the lady in the Max Lange
2003 - Malandra
2002 - Loves are
2002 - Maximum heart
2002 - Franco Buenaventura
2001 - Yago, Pasion Morena
from 2001 to 1922, the mad
2000 - Luna wild
2000 - Good Neighbors
2000 - On the beat
1994/95 - My brother
1994 - Without Conviction: Malvinas Argentinas
1994 - High comedy.


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